Sunday, November 14, 2010

Baseball Clothing and Equipment

A rounded, solid wooden or hollow aluminum bat. Wooden bats are traditionally made from ash wood, though maple and bamboo is also sometimes used. Aluminum bats are not permitted in professional leagues, but are frequently used in amateur leagues. Composite bats are also available, essentially wooden bats with a metal rod inside. Bamboo bats are also becoming popular.
A cork sphere, tightly wound with layers of yarn or string and covered with a stitched leather coat.
One of four corners of the infield which must be touched by a runner in order to score a run; more specifically, they are canvas bags (at first, second, and third base) and a rubber plate (at home).
Leather gloves worn by players in the field. Long fingers and a webbed "pocket" between the thumb and first finger allows the fielder to catch the ball more easily.
Catcher's mitt
Leather mitt are worn by catchers. It is much wider than a normal fielder's glove and the four fingers are connected. The mitt is also better-padded than the standard fielder's glove.
First baseman's mitt
Leather mitt worn by first basemen. It is longer and wider than a standard fielder's glove. The four fingers are connected and the glove is rounded like a catcher's mitt. A first baseman's mitt has a bit more padding than a standard fielder's glove
Batting gloves
Gloves often worn on one or both hands by the batter. They offer additional grip and eliminate some of the shock when making contact with the ball.
Batting helmet
Helmet worn by batter to protect the head and the ear facing the pitcher from the ball. Professional models have only one ear protector (left ear for right-handed batters, right ear for lefties), amateur and junior helmets usually have ear protectors on both sides, for better protection from loose balls, and to reduce costs to teams (all players can use the same style of helmet).
Baseball cap
Hat worn by all players. Designed to shade the eyes from the sun, this hat design has become popular with the general public.
Catcher's helmet
Protective helmet with face mask worn by the catcher. Newer styles feature a fully integrated helmet and mask, similar to a hockey goalie mask. More traditional versions were a separate mask worn over a helmet similar to a batting helmet, but with no ear protection and worn backwards.
Provides groin protection for males against impact. Must be worn by male catchers.
An undergarmet worn by boys and men for support during sports. The jockstrap worn by the catcher has a pocket to hold a cup.
Pelvic protector
Provides groin protection for females against impact.
Shirt and pants worn by all players, coaches and managers. Each team generally has a unique pattern of colors and designs. Traditionally, the home team's uniform is predominantly white with the team's nickname, and the visiting team's is predominantly gray with (usually, but not always) the team's city. Teams often have white, gray and colored jerseys; colored jerseys can be worn at home or on the road, depending on the team's preference.
Sliding shorts
Padded support shorts sometimes worn to protect the thighs when the player slides into the bases.
Worn to shade the sun from the eyes.
Baseball Cleats
Baseball specific shoes worn by the player for better traction. The cleats themselves are either rubber or metal.

Salt Lake Remodeling

.Squash Equipment and Accessories

Standard rackets are governed by the rules of the game. Traditionally they were made of laminated wood (typically ash), with a small strung area using natural gut strings. After a rule change in the mid-1980s, they are now almost always made of composite materials or metals (graphite, kevlar, titanium, boron) with synthetic strings. Modern rackets have maximum dimensions of 686 mm (27.0 in.) long and 215 mm (8.5 in.) wide, with a maximum strung area of 500 square centimetres (approx. 90 sq. in.), the permitted maximum mass is 255 grams (approx. 9 oz.), but most have a mass between 110 and 200 grams (4-7 oz.). Squash balls are 39.5 mm and 40.5 mm in diameter, and have a mass of 23 to 25 grams. They are made with two pieces of rubber compound, glued together to form a hollow sphere and buffed to a matte finish. Different balls are provided for varying temperature and atmospheric conditions and standards of play: more experienced players use slow balls that have less bounce than those used by less experienced players (slower balls tend to 'die' in court corners, rather than 'standing up' to allow easier shots). Given the game's vigorousness, players wear comfortable sports clothing and robust indoor (non-marking) sports shoes. In competition, men usually wear shorts and a t-shirt, tank top or a polo shirt. Women normally wear a skirt and a t-shirt or a tank top, or a sports dress. Towelling wrist and head bands may also be required in humid climates. Polycarbonate lens goggles are recommended, as players might be struck with a fast-swinging racket or the ball, that typically reaches speeds exceeding 200 km/h (125 mph). Many squash venues mandate the use of eye protection and some association rules require that all juniors and doubles players must wear eye protection.

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Major Forms of Pollution

The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular pollutants relevant to each of them:

* Air pollution, the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous air pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.

* Light pollution, includes light trespass, over-illumination and astronomical interference.
* Littering
* Noise pollution, which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.
* Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE,[10] herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
* Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.)
* Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.
* Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash or municipal solid waste.
* Water pollution, by the release of waste products and contaminants into surface runoff into river drainage systems, leaching into groundwater, liquid spills, wastewater discharges, eutrophication and littering.

Salt Lake Remodeling

Difference of a Mountain Bike from other Bikes

Mountain bikes differ from other bikes primarily in that they incorporate features aimed at increasing durability and improving performance in rough terrain. Most modern mountain bikes have front fork or dual suspension, 26 inch and also 29 or 27.5(650b) inch diameter tires, usually from 1.7 to 2.5 inches in width, and a wider, flat or upwardly-rising handlebar that allows a more upright riding position. They have a smaller, reinforced frame, usually made of wide tubing. Tires usually have a pronounced lugged tread, and mounted on rims which are stronger than those used on most non-mountain bicycles.Mountain bikes also tend to more frequently use disc brakes and indexed gears. They also tend to have a lower gears to facilitate climbing steep hills and traversing obstacles. Generally speaking, enhanced durability and off-road capabilities also result in a heavier bicycle weight to rider ratio than road touring bicycles.

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Bird Watching Tips

1.You need a field guide for your area. A field guide is a book with pictures of the birds and tips for identifying them.
2.You need a binocular to see the birds. You will soon discover an ironic fact. The best birders have the best binoculars - even though they can identify a bird 100 yards away by its silhouette. Newcomers with a cheap binocular see a fuzzy ball of feathers and don't have a clue which bird it is.
3.You need to know what to expect in your area. The giant woodpecker you saw in the woods was a Pileated Woodpecker, not an Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Checklists of birds in your area will tell you this. Many State and National parks near you have Checklists of the birds seen in the park.
4.You need to be able to find the birds. To do this, you should learn about the habitat each species of bird prefers. Do they like to spend their time at the top of a tree or on the ground or on a lake?
5.Join a group of other birders. Birders are very friendly and helpful. They are always willing to share their knowledge. We were all beginners once.
6.Try a birding trip or tour. Local bird trips are sometimes advertised in the newspapers. These are often led by park rangers or a local Audubon member.
7.Read about birds. There are many good magazines about birds and birding.
8.Bring the birds to you. You can attract birds to your yard with just a little work. Planting the right flowers will attract hummingbirds. Sunflower seeds will bring lots of new birds to your house.
9.Record your bird sightings. You might want to keep a "diary" or list of the birds you see in your yard. You can also keep a list of birds you see in your town or on your vacation.

Kitchen Remodeling

Basic Form of Golf

In match play, two players (or two teams) play each hole as a separate contest against each other. The party with the lower score wins that hole, or if the scores of both players or teams are equal the hole is "halved" (tied). The game is won by the party that wins more holes than the other. In the case that one team or player has taken a lead that cannot be overcome in the number of holes remaining to be played, the match is deemed to be won by the party in the lead, and the remainder of the holes are not played.

In stroke play, the score achieved for each and every hole of the round or tournament is added to produce the total score, and the player with the lowest score wins. (Stroke play is the game most commonly played by professional golfers.) If there is a tie after the regulation number of holes in a professional tournament, a playoff takes place between all tied players. Playoffs are either sudden death or employ a predetermined number of holes, anywhere from three to a full eighteen. In sudden death, a player who scores lower on a hole than all of his opponents wins the match. If at least two players remain tied after such a playoff using a predetermined number of holes, then play continues in sudden death format, where the first player to win a hole wins the tournament.

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Trim:An Essential Aspect of Sailing

An important aspect of sailing is keeping the boat in "trim".

    * Course made good - The turning or steering of the boat vessel using the wheel or tiller to the desired course or buoy. See different points of sail. This may be a definite bearing (e.g. steer 270 degrees), or towards a landmark, or at a desired angle to the apparent wind direction.
    * Trim - This is the fore and aft balance of the boat. The aim is to adjust the movable ballast (the crew!) forwards or backwards to achieve an 'even keel'. On an upwind course in a small boat, the crew typically sit forward to reduce drag. When 'running', it is more efficient for the crew to sit to the rear of the boat. The position of the crew matters less as the size (and weight) of the boat increases.
    * Balance - This is the port and starboard balance. The aim, once again, is to adjust weight 'windward' or 'leeward' to prevent excessive heeling. The boat moves at a faster velocity if it is flat to the water.
    * Sail trim - Trimming sails is a large topic. Simply put, however, a sail should be pulled in until it fills with wind, but no further than the point where the front edge of the sail (the luff) is exactly in line with the wind. Let it out until it starts to flap, and then pull it in until it stops.
    * Centerboard (Daggerboard) - If a movable centerboard is fitted, then it should be lowered when sailing "close to the wind" but can be raised up on downwind courses to reduce drag. The centerboard prevents lateral motion and allows the boat to sail upwind. A boat with no centerboard will instead have a permanent keel, some other form of underwater foil, or even the hull itself which serves the same purpose. On a close haul the daggerboard should be fully down, and while running, over half way up.

Together, these points are known as 'The Five Essentials' and constitute the central aspects of sailing.
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Equestrianism or Horseback riding

Equestrianism (from Latin equester, equestr-, horseman, horse) more often known as riding, horseback riding (American English) or horse riding (British English)refers to the skill of riding, driving, or vaulting with horses. This broad description includes the use of horses for practical working purposes, recreational activities, artistic or cultural exercises, and competitive sports.Horses are trained and ridden for practical working purposes such as in police work or for controlling herd animals on a ranch. They are also used in competitive sports including, but not limited to, dressage, endurance riding, eventing, reining, show jumping, tent pegging, vaulting, polo, horse racing, driving, and rodeo. Some popular forms of competition are grouped together at horse shows, where horses perform in a wide variety of disciplines. Horses are used for non-competitive recreational riding such as fox hunting, trail riding or hacking. There is public access to horse trails in almost every part of the world; many parks, ranches, and public stables offer both guided and independent riding.

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Best Appetizers with Wine

1.Prosciutto wrapped bread sticks are one of the best appetizers with wine. Prosciutto is a salty variant of ham and is commonly served in many Italian restaurants. This Italian appetizer, is baked with the help of dough, with Parmesan, an Italian cheese. The saltiness of this appetizer, cleanses the tongue and mildly dehydrates the mouth . The dry mouth promotes the drinker, to keep and taste the wine in his mouth before swallowing it. This greatly helps the drinker to taste the flavor of the wine and also exposes all the taste buds to the wetness of the wine.

2.Another dish among the best appetizers with wine, is the Italian delicacy, Bruschetta. Bruschetta is a preparation that is done with grilled bread, olive oil, red pepper and tomatoes. This appetizer is prepared with the help of a lot of pepper and spicy tomato, the person feels tempted to have the wine. The wine being sweet and soothing to the taste buds, is very well appreciated by the drinker. The Bruschetta, being spicy, alerts all the taste buds on the tongue. The alerted taste buds are thus thoroughly able to feel the soothing and pleasing effect of the wine.

3.The appetizer, cured olives are very well known appetizer in the Mediterranean regions. The olives that are used as appetizers with wine, are cured using salt, which reduces the amount of water that is present in the olive. The salty, appetizer once consumed, makes a person tempted to drink wine. Again the sour and salty appeal of the appetizer, brings out the taste of wine in a brilliant manner.

4.Mini Quiche’s are among the best appetizer recipes for parties. A Mini Quiche is basically prepared from eggs, cream, pepper and salt. Mini Quiche’s can be prepared easily in bulk and also taste great with the flavor of wine. The lingering taste of a mini quiche often aptly awakens the taste buds and helps the person to really taste the wine.

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Camping equipment

The equipment used in camping varies with the particular type of camping. For instance, in survival camping the equipment consists in small items which have the purpose of helping out the camper in providing food, heat and safety. The equipment used in this type of camping must be lightweight and it is restricted at only the mandatory items. Another types of camping such as winter camping involve having specially designed equipment in terms of tents or clothing which is strong enough to protect the camper's body from the wind and cold.
Camping equipment includes:

    * First aid kit
    * Tent, lean-to to act as a shelter.
    * Hammer to drive tent stakes into soil.
    * Sleeping bag and/or blankets for warmth.
    * Sleeping pad or air mattress is placed underneath the sleeping bag for cushioning from stones and twigs as well as for insulation from the ground.
    * Lantern or flashlight
    * Hatchet, axe or saw for cutting firewood for a campfire.
    * Fire starter or other ignition device for starting a campfire.
    * Folding chairs for placement around campfire.
    * Ropes for stringing clothes line and for securing the shelter.
    * Tarp for adding additional layer of storm protection to a tent, and to shelter dining areas.
    * Raincoat or poncho
    * Hiking boots
    * Fishing pole
    * Chuck box to hold camp kitchen items for food preparation, consumption and cleanup.
    * Trash bags particularly one with handles can be tied to a tree limb, or clothesline off the ground. For handling of waste in backcountry see Leave no trace.
    * Insect repellent particularly one that has DEET.
    * Sunscreen for protecting the skin.
    * Personal care products and towel
    * Cooler to store perishables and beverages. If electricity is available, a thermoelectric or stirling engine cooler can be used without the need for ice.
    * Beverages or portable water filter for areas that have access to rivers or lakes.
    * Campers at modern campgrounds will normally bring perishable foods in coolers while backcountry campers will bring non-perishable foods such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, and MREs.
    * A tripod chained grill, Dutch oven, or La Cotta clay pot can be used for cooking on a campfire. A portable stove can be used where campfires are forbidden or impractical. If using a campground with electricity an electric frying pan or slow cooker can be used.
    * Firewood for Camp Fires

Much of the remaining needed camping equipment is commonly available in the home, including: dishes, pots and pans; however, many people opt not to use their home items, but instead utilize equipment better tailored for camping. These amenities include heavy plastic tableware and salt and pepper shakers with tops that close in order to shelter the shakers from rain. Backpackers use lightweight and portable equipment.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Factors To Consider Before Selecting A Cat Food

  • Make sure you choose a food that's nutritionally geared to your cat's age (kitten, adult, or senior). 
  • Cats who are overweight or underweight need different nutrition than those who are not. Choose a food that fits your cat's needs, whether it's weight control, maintenance, or another formula. 
  • If your cat has medical conditions such as diabetes, allergies, cancer, or digestive difficulties, you'll need to choose a food that is appropriate for that condition
  • Simply put, feed your cat the best food you can afford. Generally, the more you spend, the better-quality, healthier food you'll feed your pet. 
Dog food comparisons

Basic Pet Rabbit Care

Owning and caring for a rabbit is great fun and very rewarding, but it is a big responsibility and a long-term commitment in terms of care and finances.  If you own or are responsible for a rabbit, even on a temporary basis, you are required by law to care for it properly.
Rabbits are intelligent animals which are curious by nature. They are social animals and need a lot of interaction with their owner.
Pet rabbits need lots of room to move around. The cage should be large enough to allow your pet rabbit free movement. They are clean by nature and will usually use a litter box if one is provided. Most pet rabbits choose a corner of the litter box to designate as their "potty" area. A well balanced diet is necessary to ensure that your pet remains healthy. Your pet rabbit should have grass hay available at all times. Pet rabbits have powerful hind legs and need to exercise them regularly. They should be allowed to exercise for several hours each day. They like to chew and dig. Suitable toys are cardboard boxes, old phone-books and commercial chew toys for rabbits. Also provide your pet rabbit with a box in which he can dig. Simply fill a cardboard box with dirt or hay for your pet rabbit. Suitable toys gives it an outlet for his tendencies to chew and dig and providing them makes it less likely that your rabbit will engage in destructive behaviors within your house.
Pet rabbits have powerful back legs and they can cause serious injury to their back if not handled properly. When holding your pet rabbit, always support your rabbit's hindquarters with one hand and use the other hand to support his forequarters.Your pet rabbit can be brushed gently to remove loose hair and help maintain his haircoat.Pet rabbits should be spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters and helps to prevent spraying in male rabbits while it helps to prevent uterine cancer in female rabbits.

Nipping problems

10 Best Golf Courses in the World

Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport, in which competing players, using many types of clubs, attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course while employing the fewest number of strokes. Golf is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf "courses", each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or 18 holes.
Some of the 10 best golf courses in the world have hosted golf's biggest championships.These are:
1.Pine Valley, Pine Valley, New Jersey. This course is widely regarded as the best golf course in the world because of its collection of par three (considered the best in the world) and its well-designed layout.
2.Cypress Point, Pebble Beach, California. This golf course flanks the Monterey Peninsula and offers jaw-dropping ocean views on many of its holes, making it one of the best golf courses in the world.
3.Cypress Point, Pebble Beach, California. This golf course flanks the Monterey Peninsula and offers jaw-dropping ocean views on many of its holes, making it one of the best golf courses in the world.
4.Augusta National, Augusta, Georgia. This course, also extremely exclusive, plays hosts to the Masters golf tournament each year.
5.Pebble Beach, Pebble Beach, California. This course, also host to numerous golf championships in its history, sits on the Monterey Peninsula and offers ocean views on many of its holes.
6.Shinnecock Hills, Southampton, New York. Although an American track, this golf course is a links-style course, which encourages a lower ball flight and hitting shots off hills and mounds and playing the bounces to get close to the hole.
7.Royal County Down, Newcastle, Northern Ireland. This golf course overlooks Dundrum Bay, offering water views on many holes.
8.Muirfield, Gullane, Scotland. This links course has hosted the Open Championship, commonly known as the British Open, fifteen times.
9.Oakmont, Oakmont, Pennsylvania. This golf course has hosted more major championships than any other on American soil.
10.Merion (East), Ardmore, Pennsylvania. This golf course has played host to more United States Golf Association championships than any other in America. It's also famous for being the place where Ben Hogan striped a one-iron to the 18th hole in the 1950 U.S. Open.

Yellow-Fin Tuna Fishing in the Philippines

Yellow-fin Tuna(Thunnus albacares ) reach a maximum size of 450 pounds. Yellowfin have thick round, elongated bodies, dark blue or black above with yellow on the sides and fins tinged in yellow with the finlets yellow and can be found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Yellowfin Tuna are a highly prized gamefish. Tuna feed almost exclusively on smaller fish and squid. They like thier meal to be bite sized and doesn’t fancy chewing it up.

In the Philippines, tunas abound in the Visayas Region, most particulary General Santos or GenSan as more commonly known. Lesser known to others are the fact that there is another tuna capital up north of Metro Manila. The coastal waters of Zambales hold Yellowfin Tunas as well. They can be caught all year round several kilomters off shore, roughly 3 hours by bangka. But during the months of October to December, they move closer to shore and can be seen a few kilometers away, mere minutes from shore.
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Filipinos As Reputable Bikers

Mountain biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, using specially adapted mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain.

Filipinos have always been reputable bikers, and groups of racers or mountain bike enthusiasts are commonly seen in the Philippines. From the ridge roads of the Cordillera or the Sierra Madre, the river-crossings of Rizal province, and the countless other trails you may find in the Visayas or other islands of the Philippines, the country offers prime quality spots to enjoy "la petite reine" in any flavor you wish.

However, to get comprehensive information on the subject reveals to be a sport on its own. For the sociable newbie or the experimented rider, best is to mingle with biking groups. These can be met around bike shops, especially during the early hours of the week end, where they gather up and fix their bikes before heading to their favorite spots.

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Suggested Hunting Gears

Hunting is the practice of pursuing living animals (usually wildlife) for food,recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching, which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law. The species which are hunted are referred to as game and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory gamebirds.

On your flight to the field, you are limited to 100 pounds of gear. This is very critical, so please pack only what is necessary. Water-proof duffel bags are recommended.

Below is the list of suggested gears that you need to bring.

  • Gortex rain gear
  • 0 degree camping sleeping bags
  • Extra walking boots
  • Waterproof first aid kit (1 per group)
  • Waterproof flashlight
  • Compass or G.P.S.
  • Hunting knife
  • Sharpening Stone
  • 40 rounds of ammo (minimum)
  • Bug Repellent
  • Hard gun case
  • Soft gun case for fly-out
  • Black pepper for covering fresh meat
  • Water filtering device or bottled water
  • Non-iodized salt
  • Survival gear
  • Blanket
  • Day Pack w/ frame
  • * Heavy Duty Game bags
  • *Tarps
  • *Camping stove and fuel
  • *Camp cookware and utensils
  • *Fully water-proof tent with rain fly
  • *Bed roll (heavy or inflatable)  
  • 1 pair wool pants
  • 2 pairs long underwear
  • 5 pairs socks (3 should be thermal)
  • 2 pairs camouflage pants
  • 3 T-shirts
  • 2 button down flannel shirts
  • 1 warm weather camouflage jacket
  • 1 cold weather camouflage parka
  • 1 warm hat with ear covers
  • 1 cap
  • 1 pair water-proof mitten-style gloves
  • Comfortable hip waders to walk in
  • 1 extra pair water-proof walking boots

Pacquiao vs Margarito Confirmed!

It was confirmed that Manny Pacquiao will fight against  Antonio Margarito on November 13. Hopes for a superfight between 7-division champion Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. in 2010 ended after Top Rank promoter Bob Arum confirmed the Filipino boxing champ will face Antonio Margarito on November 13. Arum said that he picked Margarito over Puerto Rico's Miguel Cotto, whom Pacquiao pummeled in the 12th round last November, because it would be a more challenging fight for the Filipino champ.

Arum said Pacquiao will face Margarito for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) junior middleweight championship in Las Vegas if the Mexican is able to get a license to fight in Nevada. Should Pacquiao beat Margarito, he will become the 1st boxer to win 8 world titles in 8 divisions.

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Archery: Rules and Scoring

Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow. Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity. One who practices archery is typically known as an "archer" or "bowman," and one who is fond of or an expert at archery can be referred to as a "toxophilite."

Archery competitions may be held indoors or outdoors. Indoor NAA Target Archery distances are generally18 m .Outdoor distances range from 30 m to 90 m (for senior archers, juniors can shoot closer distances), with 70 m being used in the Olympic Games. Most outdoor competitions consist of several distances.
Competition is divided into ends. An archer shoots between 3 and 6 arrows per end, depending on the type of round. After each end, the competitors walk to the target to score and retrieve their arrows. There are 20 ends of 3 arrows in a round of indoor competition. Outdoor competition varies, but outdoor rounds generally involve more arrows being shot. All competitors must wait for the command to shoot and retrieve.
Archers have a set time limit in which to shoot their arrows.
For indoor competition, this is 2 minutes for 3 arrows . Outdoors allows 4 minutes for 6 arrows. Signaling devices such as lights and flags inform the archers when time is up. Since archery involves the use of potentially lethal weapons, much attention is paid to order and safety.


Targets are marked with 10 evenly spaced concentric rings, which have score values from 1 through 10 assigned to them. In addition, there is an inner 10 ring, sometimes called the X ring. This becomes the 10 ring at indoor compound competitions. Outdoors, it serves as a tiebreaker with the archer scoring the most number of X's winning. In FITA archery, targets are colored as follows:
1 ring & 2 ring - white
3 ring & 4 ring - black
5 ring & 6 ring - blue
7 ring & 8 ring - red
9 ring & 10 ring - gold
Archers score each end by summing the scores for their arrows. "Line cutters" meaning the arrow has broken, or is touching the dividing line between each colored zone, are awarded the higher score. Values scored by each arrow are recorded on a score sheet and must be written in descending order (e.g. if an archer scores 5, 7, 6, 10, 9, 8, this must be recorded as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.).Missed arrows are scored as M rather than 0.
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Rock Climbing

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Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls . The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a pre-defined route.

Rock climbing has fast become one of the most popular sports among adventure travelers. It is an exciting and thrilling activity that can be enjoyed by people of any skill level, making it accessible to virtually anyone.

Here are some of the most outstanding locations to go rock climbing, world-wide:

1. El Capitan is located in the Yosemite National Park. El Capitan is the largest exposed granite monolith in the world, and towers 7,569 feet above sea level. There are routes of varying degrees of difficulty, with the passage known as "the Nose" being one of the most challenging.

2. Located in New Zealand, the Wharepapa region is home to a number of excellent climbing destinations. Most of the climbs are on crags and cliff faces, with elevations reaching around 100 feet. What it lacks in sheer height, the Wharepapa area boasts many unusually shaped rocks, giving you a unique climbing experience at every location.  

3. Paarl Rock (also known as Pearl Mountain) is located in South Africa and comes in second to El Capitan as the next largest granite outcropping in the world. It's a very smooth and rounded rock, making climbing difficult for lack of handholds.   

4. Kalymnos is quite a tourist spot during the summer, due to the lovely Greek beaches but you'll find the area much quieter during the spring and fall.

5. The Skaha Bluffs are located in Penticton, British Columbia (Canada) and will provide you with more than 50 cliffs to choose from. Most heights are under 100 feet, but there are many great formations and routes available.